CISM staat voor Certified Information Security Manager en is een titel van ISACA. CISM wordt algemeen erkend als de meest complete en uitgebreide certificering op IT security gebied.
In de training leert u een internationaal erkende standaard kennen aan de hand van de CISM Body of Knowledge. De 4 CISM domeinen worden getoetst tijdens het CISM examen, met verschillende weegfactoren, t.w.:
– Information Security Governance
– Information Risk Management en Compliance
– Information Security Program Development en Management
– Information Security Incident Management
Oefenvragen (QAE = Questions, Answers and Explanations) zijn online beschikbaar via een voucher. Het voucher is onderdeel van het cursusmateriaal. Hiermee kunt u tijdens de training oefenen en is tot 12 maanden na de training beschikbaar
Verschil CISM – CISSP – CISA – Cyber Security certificeringen ISACA
Daar waar CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional) vooral gericht is op de technische aspecten van informatiebeveiliging is CISM meer gericht op de organisatorische kant van informatiebeveiliging.
De wereldwijd zeer gewaardeerde CISM titel van ISACA is gericht op IT security managers en information risk managers. CISM is bedoeld voor de gevorderde professional bij wie de focus ligt op het management van het informatiebeveiligingsprogramma van een organisatie en niet langer meer op de technische of specialistische vaardigheden. De CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor) certificering is bedoeld voor IT auditors/security auditors en is meer praktijkgericht dan theoretisch. De Cyber Security (CSX) certificeringen van ISACA zijn gericht op de technische professionalisering van de (cyber) security professional en zijn volledig gericht op de technische security kennis en vaardigheden.
Module 1: Information Security Governance
– Describe the role of governance in creating value for the enterprise.
– Explain the importance of information security governance in the context of overall enterprise governance.
– Describe the influence of enterprise leadership, structure and culture on the effectiveness of an information security strategy.
– Identify the relevant legal, regulatory and contractual requirements that impact the enterprise.
– Describe the effects of the information security strategy on enterprise risk management.
– Evaluate the common frameworks and standards used to govern an information security strategy.
– Explain why metrics are critical in developing and evaluating the information security strategy.
– Information Risk Management and Compliance
– Information Security Program Development and Management
– Information Security Incident Management
Module 2: Information Security Risk Management
– Apply risk assessment strategies to reduce the impact of information security risk.
– Assess the types of threats faced by the enterprise.
– Explain how security control baselines affect vulnerability and control deficiency analysis.
– Differentiate between application of risk treatment types from an information security perspective.
– Describe the influence of risk and control ownership on the information security program.
– Outline the process of monitoring and reporting information security risk.
Module 3: Information Security Program Development and Management
– Outline the components and resources used to build an information security program.
– Distinguish between common IS standards and frameworks available to build an information security program.
– Explain how to align IS policies, procedures and guidelines with the needs of the enterprise.
– Describe the process of defining an IS program road map.
– Outline key IS program metrics used to track and report progress to senior management.
– Explain how to manage the IS program using controls.
– Create a strategy to enhance awareness and knowledge of the information security program.
– Describe the process of integrating the security program with IT operations and third-party providers.
– Communicate key IS program information to relevant stakeholders.
Module 4: Information Security Incident Management
– Distinguish between incident management and incident response
– Outline the requirements and procedures necessary to develop an incident response plan.
– Identify techniques used to classify or categorize incidents.
– Outline the types of roles and responsibilities required for an effective incident management and response team
– Distinguish between the types of incident management tools and technologies available to an enterprise.
– Describe the processes and methods used to investigate, evaluate and contain an incident.
– Identify the types of communications and notifications used to inform key stakeholders of incidents and tests.
– Outline the processes and procedures used to eradicate and recover from incidents.
– Describe the requirements and benefits of documenting events.
– Explain the relationship between business impact, continuity and incident response.
– Describe the processes and outcomes related to disaster recovery.
– Explain the impact of metrics and testing when evaluating the incident response plan.
Voor wie:
ISACA’s Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) certification is for those with technical expertise and experience in IS/IT security and control and wants to make the move from team player to manager. CISM can add credibility and confidence to your interactions with internal and external stakeholders, peers and regulators.
Experienced information security managers and those who have information security management responsibilities, including IT consultants, auditors, managers, security policy writers, privacy officers, information security officers, network administrators, security device administrators, and security engineers.
– Officieel ISACA Certified Information Security Manager studiemateriaal
Domain 1: Information Security Governance
– Enterprise Governance Overview
– Organizational Culture, Structures, Roles and Responsibilities
– Legal, Regulatory and Contractual Requirements
– Information Security Strategy
– Information Governance Frameworks and Standards
– Strategic Planning
Domain 2: Information Risk Management
– Risk and Threat Landscape
– Vulnerability and Control Deficiency Analysis
– Risk Assessment, Evaluation and Analysis
– Information Risk Response
– Risk Monitoring, Reporting and Communication
Domain 3: Information Security Program Development & Management
– IS Program Development and Resources
– IS Standards and Frameworks
– Defining an IS Program Road Map
– IS Program Metrics
– IS Program Management
– IS Awareness and Training
– Integrating the Security Program with IT Operations
– Program Communications, Reporting and Performance Management
Domain 4: Information Security Incident Management
– Incident Management and Incident Response Overview
– Incident Management and Response Plans
– Incident Classification/Categorization
– Incident Management Operations, Tools and Technologies
– Incident Investigation, Evaluation, Containment and Communication
– Incident Eradication, Recovery and Review
– Business Impact and Continuity
– Disaster Recovery Planning
– Training, Testing and Evaluation
Aan het verkrijgen van de CISM titel zijn enkele certificeringseisen gesteld, t.w.:
– U moet over ten minste 5 jaar relevante werkervaring beschikken in ten minste 2 CISM domeinen of 4 jaar ervaring aangevuld met een HBO/Bachelor opleiding en
– U dient de Code of Professional Ethics te onderschrijven en trouw te blijven
Wanneer u (nog) niet aan deze eisen voldoet, dan kunt u CISM associate worden.
Exclusief examen:
– CISM | Certified Information Security Manager
Het CISM examen betreft een multiple choice examen waarbij u in relatief korte tijd (4 uur) 150 vragen moet beantwoorden. Het examen wordt door middel van Computer-Based Testing (CBT) afgenomen bij een – bij ISACA aangesloten – testcenter.
DutchTrain is een officieel geaccrediteerd Test Center voor Pearson Vue Test, Prometric, Kryterion, Castle Worldwide, Certiport & PSI. U bent bij ons van harte welkom voor examens welke via deze Test Centers beschikbaar zijn. Examens kunnen elke dag, binnen kantooruren, worden afgenomen.
De CISM titel is een titel voor 3 jaar. Om uw CISM titel te mogen blijven voeren, moet u 120 PEpunten in 3 jaar tijd behalen.
Duur: 4 dagen
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Bij bestelling kunt u de gewenste trainingsdata aangeven in het notitieveld.
Kalender Certified Information Security Manager – CISM 2025
Deze training is ook beschikbaar als:
– Education On Demand (e-learning)
– Maatwerktraining, neem hiervoor contact op met een van onze opleidingsadviseurs.
Voor veelgestelde vragen tijdens het bestelproces, bekijk onze F.A.Q. pagina.